War graves
in Małopolska
The cemetery was established on a plan of an ellipse and is fenced with a full concrete wall. The entrance, located on the western side, is closed with a double-wing gate made of metal rods. The main element of the cemetery is formed by four massive concrete two-barred crosses facing one another, placed in the central part of the cemetery.

In the cemetery, there are tombstones in the form of stone stelae, with the following engraved inscription: ”UNBEKANNTE RUSSISCHE KRIEGER” and flat bar two-barred crosses mounted on small round concrete pedestals. At the bottom of the vertical cross slats, there are frames for enamelled plates with information about the buried.

206 soldiers of the Russian army, who were killed on May 5, 1915, were buried in three individual and five mass graves.
  • R. Broch, H. Hauptmann, Zachodniogalicyjskie groby bohaterów z lat wojny światowej 1914–1915, przeł. J. Sznytka, Tarnów 1993, s. 290.
  • J. Drogomir, Polegli w Galicji Zachodniej 1914-1915 (1918): Wykaz poległych i zmarłych pochowanych na 400 cmentarzach wojskowych w Galicji Zachodniej, T. 2, Tarnów 2002, s. 473-474
  • O. Duda, Cmentarze I wojny światowej w Galicji Zachodniej 1914-1918, Warszawa 1995, s. 284.
  • R. Frodyma, Cmentarze wojenne z I wojny światowej na ziemi tarnowskiej, Krosno 2006, s. 194-195.
  • R. Frodyma, Galicyjskie cmentarze wojenne. Przewodnik, T. 2., Pruszków 1997, s. 123-124.
Forename Surname Rank Military formation Number
OFFIZIER Russian Army 4
INFANTERIST Russian Army 189
INFANTERIST Russian Army 13